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Katie Barber

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: beach house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok, this real hot guy named Kurt was checkin me out for like a week up at the beach, and i would see him every day. he knew my friend brittany who said he was 17. i was starting high school in like three weeks but i never had sex before. every time i saw Kurt that week i would get a little wet or i would get hard nipples.
so we finally hung out and he introduced himself and asked if I wanted to go out. he was going to be a senior i found out! so we went for a long walk down the beach, and he was holdin my hand and telling me how cute i was. he said he usually only dated girls his age but he said he would make an exception for me. lol.
so he said do you wanna go back to the party and i said yeah. we went and everyone was inside playing spin the bottle. we played and eventually we had to kiss. i kissed like thre other boys before him and i know he was getting jealous. so finally Kurt and i kissed and it was so good. i wished it never ended. later he asked me to go out to the pool house in back and i said ok.
we went back there and i knew something was gonna happen. all i did with guys before was hand jobs so i was nervous. it was going to be my birthday in like 3 days so i just said what the heck.
i figured he would know what he was doing so i told him to do what he wanted. we starte undressing and he felt me up and i played with his thing. then he said I want you and i was like ok go slow and only if yhou have a condom. he ran inside for like 10 minutes!! then came back and was like ok i got one.
he put it on and i could tell he was kinda small from the three or four dicks i had seen, but that was ok with me first time and all. so he got hard and put it on and puit it in me, and it HURT at first but i was kinda wet.
so like he starts goin for like maybe 10 seconds and all of a sudden moans loud and goes Ok I am done. I was like, Uh ok is that it?? he was embarased but we did it again like five times that year before we broke up. he got a little better but never lasted more than 3 minutes. i had no idea it was suppsed to last longer than that! until i got my new Bf later that year and he would go for like 20 minutes. i had an orgasm with Chad and i was like OK! this is what sex is like!

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