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kay and bo

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

hi guys. okay so this is what happened. bobo and i are….were….dating but we broke up. when we broke up, he would always pick on me. in the most meanest and stupidist ways.anyways, one day he was picking on me in the instrument room at the band room at our school. he pushed me up against the wall. i was laughing and so was he. i looked at him and he kissed me. my first kiss with the guy that i liked 🙂 i swear we kissed for like 3 minutes, non stop. oh wait! did i mention that we were both 15…..yeah we are 15. anyways, lets proceed. we were kissing the way you see people kiss in a romance movie. i was loving every minute of it. he brought his hands down to my but and pushed it up. i gasped for air. my heart was pounding…he asked if i was okay and i said yes, just really shocked. he asked if i wanted to go home with him today untill we had to come back for band practice after school. i said yes. so we walked to his house. his mom was not there. we sit down on his couch and we talked about everything. we started getting very personal. he asked if i have ever had sex. i said no. i asked him the same thing. he said yes. later, i hsd to use the bathroom. he told me where to go. when i got out the bathroom, he was standing right outside.he grabbed me and started kissing me. he headed me into his room. we were still kissing.we hit the bed and we both fell. he on top of me. i stopped kissing him and laughed. we began kissing again, he was trailing his hands up and down my side. it tickled. he reached straight up for my boobs. he grabbed them with a lot of force. i jumped. i took in a deep breathe. he told me that if i was not comfortable with him in that way that i should tell him and he would stop. the truth is is that i was comfortable. i didnt tell him that i just shook my head okay. he continued. he started to lift my shirt off. i let him. later, he went for my pants. then he took his pants and his shirt off. he looked at me and asked if this was okay? i said yes. he asked if i was sure i was ready to do this. i said yes. he smiled and leaned down to kiss me. he kissed my neck. he went to take my bra off. i was freakin out. he took off his boxers and out on a condom. he took off my panties and layed on top of me. he didnt put all his weight on me. he went in slowly. i was breathing our of control. i was so scared. i whispered in his ear this. i know i said i was ready but i think you are going to have to talk me through this. he looked at me and asked why? he aske dif i wanted to stop. i said no. he said are you a virgin and i said well duh, i told you that on the couch. he asked if he hurt me and i said yes it hurts. he said that i needed to count to 3. i closed my eyes and did so. when i hit 3 he pushed all the way in. i screamed out in pain and i jumped up and grabbed for him. i was crying. he rubbed my back and told me to calm down and relax. he said everything would be okay. i did what he told me. i layed back down and i let him do his thing. he went so slow. oh my goodness, he was so gentle. he stopped several times just to make sure i was okay. about 20 minutes later, we were done. we got dressed and he kissed me. we looked at the clock and it was 6:13. we were late for practice. we laughed. on the way to practice, he asked me if i was okay. i said yes. i told him that i was glad that he was my first. we are still together now. i love him and he loves me. for people who say that a black boy and a white girl dont mix, i beg a differ. we mixed just fine 🙂

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