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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my boyfriends college apartment
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was December 26th 1989 6:04pm.I was sixteen we were on our 5th date.We had to spend our holidays with our families so we had to wait until the day after christmas to be together I knew the perfect gift to give him.We were sitting in his apartment at college fooling around on the couch mostly kissing,at some point he had his hands down my pants using his fingers it wea the most amazing feeling.after awhile he asked if i wanted to go back to his room. I said yes,but I made him promise we keep the lights off.He pulled off my jeans and undies took his clothes off and crawed toward me he then very gently took me. he kept asking if i was ok I didn’t move a muscle i was so nervous i just layed there and counted ceiling tiles.after it was done he ran into the bathroom I had no Idea why.It wasn’t until our 2nd time that i realized a guy had to ejaculate.how dumb was I.

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