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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i was in love with my big brothers friend. he was on the high school football team in 10th grade and was the perfect quarterback, perfect runner, perfect muscled body that hung around our house with my brother all summer to swim laps in our pool. bet of all he was perfectly nice to me even though i was two years younger than him. i had been advanced in 7th grade and so was in 9th grade just one year behind him. i had joined the cross country teams, jazz group with my elec. guitar and even the swim team to try and spend more time with him. my brother said that it was making me all muscly and skinny like a boy but james…his friend said that he thought every girl should take care of their body like i do.
one day there was no school and my parents were at work. my brother was out with his girl friend at the mall until late at the movies and james dropped over expecting to swim with him not knowing that he would be gone. i had already been in for a dip and was standing there dripping wet in my bikini in front of james at the door and in shock i just invited him in and told him where everyone was but that he was welcome to stay and swim as long as he wanted. i could tell that he was glad that he hadn’t wasted a trip over and so i took him out to the changing area and got him a spare suit and towel. we raced each other and he let me win a few times and then we played tag and dunk and after while just rested by the sides and talked. he told me that he admired me and how hard i worked to be good at everything and i basically told him the same. then he said that he thought i was really pretty and i totally blushed. i did look more like a well muscled boy with a just beginning to develop soft girls chest and i knew it but i thought that maybe this is what he liked. he had a petite frame with blonde hair and tiny narrow hips and he could run like wind across the prairie. he said that he bet that i had all kinds of guys asking me out. i blushed again and honestly told him that i had never gone out before. he asked ‘really? sweet 13 and never been kissed?’ i don’t know where he got that but i kept blushing and just swayed my head to say no. he just whispered and came towards me slowly saying ‘well, that just won’t do’ and he kissed me lightly on the lips!!! i was in heaven! the boy of my dreams just kissed me and was talking to me and was inches away from me nearly naked! he then said, tag your it! and touched me on the back and swam away i went after him fast and caught up to him and tagged him back but before i could get away he had his hand on my neck and drew me in and kissed me again. he swam off again and i went after him and got half way across the pool when i realized that he must have untied my top because it had fallen off and was missing somewhere! he swam back and asked if i needed something. i just covered myself and told him to stay back. he said that he could help me if i lost something so i told him that my top fell off and would he please help me find it. james gave me that perfect glowing smile and asked me if i really wanted to find it or if i wanted another kiss. i knew what i wanted but was embarrassed. but i figured that lots of people saw me naked all the time in sports so it was no big deal. so i came over and asked him if he would trade a kiss for my top. he agreed. he reached out and surprised me by drawing me full into him so that our chests touched and i felt his bulging man part in his swim suit. i couldn’t believe my tits had just touched james and my pussy just felt his bulge! i felt so much older than just minutes ago. he dove under and came up with my top and asked if i wanted him to tie it on or if i didn’t need it. without thinking too much and trying to stay cool i told him it was no big deal. so he tossed it to the side of the pool and i knew i would have to get out of the water in front of him at some point half naked. we played around a little more and swam through each others legs. I ‘accidentally’ missed and bumped my head into his crotch causing him to groan a bit. i went over to him and asked him if he was alright. he gave me a sly smile and said ‘i think you should kiss it and make it better’. i smiled and said ‘sure’ and went back under water. only this time in retaliation for his earlier trick i yanked his shorts clear off and swam to the side with them and asked him…’do you want them or should i just put them aside til we’re done?’ he stayed in the water up to his neck and slowly came over and smiling asked me to give him his shorts back so..being a good girl..i tossed them over by my top. at this point i tagged him and said you’re it! and swam away. james swam up to me and wouldn’t let me get away or get out of the pool. every time i got close he made a grab for my bottoms. finally i called a truce and told him i would go get his trunks and we could go in the sauna. james came forwards and pressed his body against me and it felt wonderful. i couldn’t express the feeling of having his naked body against my body. my naked tits on his chest.he put his arms around me and kissed me and i felt his erection against my stomach and was trying to just soak in all the feelings that i was having. suddenly i realized that he had untied my bikini bottoms and gently pulled them off and was flinging them out of the pool. i didn’t care suddenly. my whole body was against his. his erection against my pussy, his hands on my ass and my hands wandering from his smooth chest and ass to his dick. i had never seen a dick before let alone felt one and as we made out and made our way up the shallow end i was enjoying both. he just said that my body was so much more amazing that he thought it would be. i agreed that his was too. we picked up our suits and put them in the laundry and grabbed towels and went into the jacuzzi. we made out and explored each others bodies as the hot water and bubbles rushed over us. his hard body against my mostly hard body. he expressing such appreciation and hoping that whoever he married would be just like me. i was just so caught up in the moment that i knew that i would do anything he asked. after about a half hour we got out and cooled down. then we got into the sauna and sat next to each other and rubbed each others sweat into our skin and then some fragrant oils and finished with and hour of sweating and then a shower together. still our kisses seemed to be not enough for this amazing day together and we knew that we had a lot of time left but neither were sure how far we should go. we were intimate with each others bodies by now and knew every nook, what felt good, what the other liked to do and we were talking about what it would be like to be together. he asked me if i would lie with him in bed. this was a moment that i had hoped for for months. i immediately said yes. we went into my room and lay down naked together in the sheets and kissed and slid our hands all over each other. we examined every part of each others body with our lips our faces even our tongues. later we took another shower to feel and smell clean and dried each other off. we lay in the afternoon sun together and just talked about everything. i think that was the day we truly fell in love. the years that have passed since then have just been part of the dream. there in the yard, by the pool where it had all started, he slid on a condom that he had kept in his pocket and pushed his perfect 5″ dick into me (remember, he wasn’t full grown yet and it would become nearly 7″ by the time he was a man) my body responded with the most amazing pleasure. my pussy spasmed and contracted around his dick and he would cry out with pleasure when it happened. he looked down at me and i saw tears in his eyes and he said it was just that it was so intense and that he had thought he had loved me for as long as he had known me. we weren’t experts or anything. it was amazing and satisfying and he came first but patiently kept rubbing his pelvis against my vagina until i came which was truly wonderful. we both cried and held each other. my brother came home and found us laying naked in each others arms and in the sexual position but just went upstairs and didn’t say anything. he was really cool about it and never held it against me that i eventually married his best friend. we figured it was time to break it up before my parents got home and so we showered together again and got dressed and snogged good and proper until my folks got home.
i love you james and home you don’t mind my sharing this with the world cuz you mean all the world to me. at 17 i know my life will be a good one with a good man like you who loves me so much.

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