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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: in orlanda fl. at a condo we were stayin in
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well, we were on our vacation in orlando for the summer, & me my friend & my sister was outside at 1 of the pools there at the condos. When we saw like 5 dudes & the 1 that caught my eyes was a guy named Tyshawn he was tall dark skinned & had dreads & i’m a sucker for dreads so u already know he had my head gone. i mean he had the prettiest smile & teeth he was so damn sexy it was unbelievble. So we talked for the whole month, & like the last 2 weeks we were there we started gettin real close, & we started talkin about when we had to leave how would it be. Would we still talk? When would we ever see each other again? And stuff like that. But he promised me that we’d still talk & that he would come down to see me whenever he could. Then we would talk about fucking. A lot! & he said that when the time was right he would beat it up right. So the night before we had to leave to go back to our home towns, we were all out at the pool, & he & I was sittin in the jacuzzi talkin & i was sittin in his lap. We was talkin about everything then we started talkin about fuckin again. so he took my hand & set it on his dick & i jumped. I was like omg its so big wtf. I was flippin out & he was just laughing. (He had some of the whitest teeth.) Then my friend came over & told us to get out & come to the big pool with everybody else. So we did & everone was over there chillin & clowing & having so much damn fun. Then at about 11:30 security came & told us we had to leave because it was time for all six pools to close. So on our way out the pool he grabbed my hand & said where are you going. I said to our condo. He was like well I’m not ready for this night to end because tomorrow we’ll have to leave. I was like I know right. He said it don’t have to end yet. I was like What you mean? He said come to our condo. I was like I don’t know. He was like come on I’m not ready to leave you yet. I said I know me either. Well ok let me tell my friend & my sis. So I told them I would call them when i was commin back, so they could open the door & let me in. So I went back to his condo with him. He took me in his room & I sat on the bed. He tried to make me as comfortable as possible, even though i’ve been in there like 50 times. He kept askin me if i was hungery, & i kept sayin no but i guess he didn’t understand lol. then he layed on the bed beside me & i leaned back. We talked for like 1 hour about everything & reminisced about the summer we just spent together. he said something so funny & we started laughin I was laughin so harde i couldn’t stop, then he started staring at me & I looked him. I was like what? ( still lauging) What are you looking at? (Smilling hard) Then he just started kissing me. Then he started kissing me on my neck I was loving that shit. Then I started taking off his shirt & his eyes got real big. He stopped & i said whats wrong? He looked me in my eyes & said are you sure you’re ready for this? I just sat there then I smilled & said of course. So he stood me up & started taking off my clothes & kissing all over me. I was thinking in my head omg I can’t believe I’m really gonna do this. After he took my clothes off he kissed me on my lips & said I wanna make you feel real good. I was little nervous becase I was only 14 & he was 17. Then he started kissing allover my neck & chest, & he made his way to my titties then to my bell button, & then on down to my pussy. He started kissing it & then he made his way to the inside of it. He began to suck on it & stick his tongue in & out of my hole. I then began to feel weak but in a real good way & my legs began to shake. So he picked me up & layed me on the bed & continued. It felt so damn good. I began to feel all shakey & my eyes began to roll & i gripped his dreads & started to pull as I reached my climax. He sucked the juices out of me but it wasn’t over there. He then stood up & pulled out his dick & told me to put the condem on it & then he stuck his big long thick dick inside of me, & i screamed in pain it hurt so bad & he kissed me to try to muffle the sound & make me stop screaming. He slid it out & he said do you wanna stop I looked at him then i thought he just ate me out so good i can’t just leave him hanging. So I said no lets keep doing it. I let him ram my young pussy until he was done & when he finished we kissed cuddled & talked all night. Then at about 3:00am he walked me back to the condo & kissed me passionatly. Then i went inside & told my bff & my sis all about it. I did cry when we had to leave & I cried for a few weeks after that but we still keep in touch & he did keep his promise to come see me when he can. So we talk, & he still is & always will be my baby.

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