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Kelli Loved To Fuck!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Grandparents' Neighbor's Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Years ago, I used to love to visit my Grandparent’s home, near Detroit. There was a family that lived next door to them who had a teenage daughter — Kelli.She was several years older than myself. I started to get to know her real well when I was 14 and she was 17. She told me about things I’d never heard of before — and they all had to do with sex.

Of course I was interested. Who wouldn’t be. She told me how she had tried it and how good it felt. And she described to me all the details. I used to get a hard on just listening to her, sitting there in her back yard.

When I got to be 16,she told me I was old enough to have sex, and, of course I agreed. She was 19 then, and had the most beautiful body I’d ever seen on a girl. One Saturday afternoon, she let me fuck her, in her bedroom. Her parents weren’t home. I told her I didn’t have a condom and she said I didn’t need one. She never exactly told me she was on the pill, but I sort of guessed she was.

That sex, in her bed, was the best thing that had happened to me up to that point in my life. It felt so damn good — so, of course I wanted to do it more.

Kelli loved to fuck and so we did it as much as we possibly could when we were alone together. She taught me how it was done in all of the various positions — and how to please a girl with good foreplay beforehand. She was a good teacher.

Since I never used a condom with Kelli, later on when I had sex with other girls, I didn’t want to use them either. Some of them insisted, though. So I did. But it wasn’t the same.
I still like doing it the natural way — and as often as possible!

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