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Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: girlfriends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

To begin, I’ve always have just been in my own world of art (music, drawing, painting etc.) and girls have always been in my life but for the most part they have been a distant second. I would go to parties in high school and of course try to hit on a girl, it was hit or miss with tons of misses. Through college I got the hang of talking to women, being charming but a lot of the time if I was doing something well I would mess up and say something weird or laugh at an inside joke. Anyway, I was 21, I was in a band in college and still a virgin, my friends couldn’t understand it and neither could I, espically seeing that I was in a band. I’ve had oral sex but that didn’t count, so my friends said. After a show one night a friend introduced me to a friend of hers (we’ll call her “patty”). Patty was a cute girl strawberry red hair and very funny. She and I talked a little after the show and exchanged phone numbers. The following day she gave me a call saying that I should come over. I was at band practice and after that I was supposed to have dinner with my family so that was a no go. We made plans for the next day to hang out but she was telling me that I didn’t need to bring condoms but I should still anyway. I didn’t get this refrence (hopefully you’re getting the picture that when I’m not thinking about sex it almost dosen’t exist to me) So after getting her to tell me that she wants to sleep with me we set the plans in stone and I make it over to her house at 1pm the next day. We talk for a little bit and start making out. One thing leads to another that also lead to me starting to go down on her and her stopping me. I ask her “What’s wrong?” She replies “I just got off my period yesterday.” Mind you that I’m a little taken back with this comment and I wonder if we should proceed. It dosen’t take me a second to proceed, I mean it’s taken me 21 years to get this far and I’ll be damned if I’ll pass this up. So we move from her room to her parents room downstairs and then the hot tub. I’m sure that a lot of guy readers can agree that the first real time you put on a condom is the worst. You’re nervous/anxious and trying not to get angry with yourself because you know that you look stupid trying to get this open. I finally get it open and we get into the hot tub. Things are moving nicely until I realize that I haven’t even penetrated her, she tries to help but that dosen’t work. This is terrible for me because I feel like when we first me that she had this whole idea of me being in a band and shes about to sleep with this really hot guy (months later I asked her this and she laughed and said no she just thought I was a really nice guy a small hit on my ego but it was alright).
So after the failure in the hot tub we shut the top of the hot tub and did it on top of it. It actually went pretty well. Friends have always told me that the first time will last 5 minutes but in total honesty it was 15-20 minutes for me. You’ll never know how proud of myself I was. Once it was over she asks unimpressed “So…we can do it again”
So we did the second time was a little better than the first but she was still unimpressed. We dated for a little while after that but it got stressful because she lived 50 miles away from me and I had school, work and my band. we ended it a little while afterward. That was my first time.

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