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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

I was 16 and she was 15. We were at my house with my little sister. My mom had gone to pick up my dad from work. My girlfriend and I were in the living room and my little sister was in the den watching tv. We were making out hardcore on the sofa bed, both getting really horny. I had slipped my hand in her pants and was fingering her. She then looked at me and said, “upstairs. now!” She went ahead upstairs while I went into the den. I grabbed the remote from my sister and started flipping through channels on tv. I found A League of Their Own and told her to watch it because there was a really good part coming up. I told her not to leave because she did not want to miss it. So with my sister taken care of, I ran upstairs…careful not to make noise on the wooden staircase. Once in my room, we started making out in my bed. I took her clothes off and she took off mine. It was very hot. I then reached over to my night stand and grabbed a condom from the box I had purchased the week before. I put it in, very carefully since it was my first time donning one. Once on, she was very nice and put my cock inside her. It felt great. It only lasted about 5 minutes, if that. The whole time my door was open and I was listening in case my sister came upstairs. I was nervous. It was not good sex at all. Once finished, we both got up and got dressed. I looked at her and said something that I still laugh at today. I said “you better not get pregnant!” We went downstairs and my sister was still watching tv. My girlfriends mom came to get her a short time later and my parents came home. No one knew anything. I told my dad about two years later. We broke up shortly after the sex and never had sex after that time.

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