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Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Her Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

For years I wanted to wait for “the one” but after the relationship with whom I thought was “the one” ended I lost it to the next woman to come along.

Janice and I were going out for about 6 weeks, we were very sexualy inclined even though we hadn’t had sex yet. But we did absolutly everything but sex up to that point. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I was still in love with my ex-fiancee, and I wanted my first time to be with someone that I loved.

So needless to say I did not plan on loosing it to my current girlfriend at the time, till I heard some advice from a friend of mine. She said “have sex with her. maybe it’ll help you get your ex out of your head”

Janice and I were both into fantasy our first date was to see the Fellowship of the Ring, and the night that it happened we just finished “Willow” and as soon as the movie finished we started getting down to business, which up to that time was everything but intercourse. I’d finger her suck on her tits eat her out, and nibble on her ears, we both loved getting our ears nibbled on. She started giving me a blow job than crawled up stradeling me, than we started grinding against each other, we’ve done this many times before. After she stopped grinding and we were just kissing, ( I thought to myself so here goes, I’m gonna get her out of my head) I placed my penis right at the opening of her vagina and just put my head in. Janice was like are you sure, and my response was to thrust upward. Soon I was burried deep inside her pussy. Even though it was my first time I could tell she was very loose. I suppose it had to do with our fooling around for like an hour when she had no idea we were actually going to have sex, since I was the virgin and she wasn’t. We engaged in practicly every position possible. She rode me a few times, Missionary, doggy, and varriations of those. But I couldn’t get off. I was soo nervous about my first time and being one of those 30 second men that I just couldn’t cum. Both of us had to take breaks durring that session. Bathroom/drinks bc of being dehydrated. But I just couldn’t cum. After going for about 2 hours we stopped, she wanted to continue just so I could get off but I was beat, and needed a rest.

We than cuddled and started watching another movie, we never finished that movie before it was even a half an hour in we started making out again. Soon I mounted her and pushed myself in slowly. She was SOO tight. It felt sooo much better this second time around. I didn’t last long at all that second time, maybe a couple minutes. I came into her hard, even though it was a slow lovemaking. I hold still, still erect inside of her look into her eyes and she’s just glowing. Probably the happiest I’ve ever seen her. I appologized for cumming so soon and not getting her off. She totaly blew that off and was like how many times did you get me off tonight? Shit neither of us could even count that high. She’s one of those blessed women that is very orgasmic. And even though we hadn’t had sex till them I knew what buttons to push inside and out. But still I felt a little bad so I rolled down her stomach and started eating her out tasting our combined juices. I brought her to orgasm crawled up her body gave her a kiss than we snuggled for the rest of the night.

Even though I wasn’t in Love with her when she took my virginity, I did fall in love with her, and I still love her in a way even though we’re not dating. But that in it’s own is a story in it’s own right.

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