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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: My House
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the day after Thanksgiving and i liked this boy so much and i thought he liked me. He called me that morning and asked me if he could hit i told him no but i really liked him and i was young and he used that sorry saying if you like me than you will do it and all of your friends are so of course i said ok. i told him to come over and we kissed and than he took off my cloths and he put it in it hurted so bad, but the pain soon went away. it lasted about an hour and i kinda felt good about myself until we went back to school. He had told every body and i felt so stupid because i than realized that he could not stand me and me and him would never be together. That happened 4 years ago and i still hate him my first time was suppost to be special im still not over that. I have found my real love and our first time was special i wish i could have saved myself for him he treated my like a queen. So to any one out there who is thinking about having sex make sure that your first is someone that you wont regret because that will follow you for always. Even though i had a bad first experiance i love sex now it is GREAT

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience