It felt awesome and warm as her vagina gripped my penis . We kissed a while allowing the pleasure of being in her to engulf us and then I was moving my cock in her. I was fucking her for the first time and it was reality itself. Jenmifer was so hot as I began pumping my cock in her, it was our first fuck and felt awsome, warm tight, moist and really good. I had to fight for control to keep from ejaculating right away. I savored the moment, then I started to fuck Jenifer. Soon I was pumping hard and fast, doing what comes natrually. I started to cum and then I was pushing myself, forcing my penis deep into her, pushing hard to stay in deep as ejaculated my sperm inside her. At that moment I knew we were really married. When I pulled out their was some blood around her vaginal opening, on my penis and the sheet. Our virginity was gone forever. We lay together a while then slept. My last thought before dropping off to sleep about how much I loved Jen and how good it was being married. That night we slept very well. The next day we mostly stayed in our room fucking and loving like now the genie was out of the box, we were man and wife and could fuck as much as we wanted, whenever we wanted.
Jenifer lives with me at my parents home where we are doing fine. Oh yes Jenifer came home from the motel pregnant but of course we didn’t know that for a few weeks. Actually Jen is just nine weeks pregnant now and we haven’t told anyone else yet She still has her flat tummy and slender waist but that will be gone all to soon. In another month everyone will know.