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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it was april 7, 1999. i had been dating mark for a little less than six months, but it felt like a lot longer because of how much time we always spent together. almost like we were married 🙂 i had some good friends visiting from NC that week, but that wednesday they were off seeing alcatraz, which i had seen enough times to say “bye. have fun. call me if something explodes” and go on with my normal life. mark was twice my age at the time, our parents didn’t know we were dating (they would later find out and threaten to press charges… dark days in my life shudder). i was spending the day at mark’s house and we decided to go off to the bedroom to make out like usual… we typically engaged in “pseudo-sex” which was pretty much everything but penetration. he hadn’t had sex in the last 12 years, and i know he wanted it, but didn’t want to force me into anything. well, after a long time of getting hot and bothered, i told him i wanted to. he almost didn’t believe me. he said that if i wanted sex, i would have to put him inside because he really didn’t want me to feel forced… so we got a condom, i put him in me, and we went at it. it didn’t hurt at all, no bleeding or anything. i don’t remember how long he lasted, but afterwards i was full of this crazy bouncy energy, and demanded that we do it again. the second time was slightly ouchy, but that’s because i had no idea that astroglide existed. anyway, after all our fun was over, we decided to go get ice cream. as we were walking out of the house, we saw a non-descript car parked in front of his house. upon closer inspection, we realized that it was an undercover cop car! we were so freaked out because of legal stuff (stupid statuatory rape laws) but then realized that he was totally scoping out someone across the street’s house. mark and i dated for 2 years total, and he’s still one of my best friends.

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