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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my girlfriend's house
Langauge: ?
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was spending the night at my friends house. Her dad was HOT! and really young for a dad. I had seen him looking at me and it made me totally wet. I spent the night over there several times and he flirted with me, but kinda safe. One time, when Kyra’s mom was out of town, he really flirted and touched me. I knew it. I was the bold one and snuck into his bedroom after Kyra went to sleep. It hurt really bad the first time, but I slept with him many more times after that, I was such a slut. He was kind and gentle when we first started doing it. Later, he was real forceful and held me down. THAT was HOT!

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