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kristie, sarah, seth

Age when it happend: pool, my room
Where it happened: 16
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

okay, my names kristie. im was 16. im best friends with sarah. my parents arent home. me nd sarah were going swimimg. me nd sarah are both thin and have big boobs. we both got changed (not together) and jumped in the pool. after a while sarah did a dive and lost her bikini top, i said sarah. and she said oh my bad. then she came towards me and she shoved my face in her boobs. i stared licking them and nibbling on her tits. while doing that she started undoing my top. when i stoped we both grabbed each others boobs and started frenching. this really turned me on!!! then sarah said take off your bottoms so i said, hell yeah!!, she did the same. we started fingering eachother. so i said lets go to my room. we ran upstairs, no clothes on, and got under my covers( i have a queen sized bed) we were just making out for a long time, then i heard the doorbell. i just ignored it. i was licking sarah pussy and she was licking mine i moaned. (i forgot my boyfiend was comming over his name is seth) the front door was unlocked so seth walked in and went upstairs to my room. being to horny girls sarah and i forgot to lock the door. seth walked right in and saw me nd sarah. he was surprised and said. “kristie?”
i literally jumped off sarah and walked over to seth, i started to just blab and say stuff, he said dnt worry, let me join you!. sarah was all over this idea. i could feel seths dick getting harder and harder. sarah started unbouttining his shirt and liking his chest. i unboutened seths pants and pulled down his boxers. i gave setha hand job, he loved it. i told seth to watch. me and sarah were vigorusly making out, his exact words were:
damn, lets do it.
i said who
seth said both of you.
this is where we took a break, i said to wait, while me and sarah took a showere togather,

In the shower:
sarah said shave it, so i shve her hairy pussy then she shaved mine, scince we were down stairs i decided to put whipped cream on our nipples and pussy’s.

we walked in together, seth dick was so hard, me nd sarah both laid down nextto eachother seth climbed ontop of us he started liking me and sarah, i moaned so loud, i wasnt a virgin, but he was. sarah whispered im my ear, and i said go ahead, she stuck her ass i the air and told seth to stick it in, as i watched. he did, she moaned so loud. my turn, seth pulled it out, i said wait i want it in the front! he put a condomn on and pushed it in, i said oooooo . sarah said lets do it ion the pool! we went to the pool, me nd seth started making out. since we were in the sallow end sarah came and sarted sucking on me, i came in her face, after we all came we got out of the pool. i gave seth a long legnthy kiss, and he gave me an ass fuck. he had to leave, me and sarah had our “sessions every week since that day!!!” were not lezes but we sure are bis, once and a whlie seth comes by for some more. the gratest moment was with sarah, we are still going at it today, seth and i broke up but he still comes for more. maybe one day sarah will mary me!!hah jkjk

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