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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I started dating my crush and we both loved each other very much. One night, after about 2 months of dating, he asked me to come stay with him. I agreed. When I got to his house, we sat on his bed and just talked. He leaned over and kissed me. It was a really soft, comforting kiss. As he pulled away, I grabbed the beck of his neck to pull him in for more. He loved it when I did this. We started using our tongues and started touching. It wasn’t long before his hands found my boobs. My hands we placed one on his face the other on his back, almost his butt. He ended hovering over me, not letting all of his weight take my body over. His lips moved from my lips to me cheek and then down my neck. He started breathing heavy on my neck and kissed it every so often. He knew that this turned me on. Very much so. As I tried to push him away he kept doing it. Finally I stopped pushing and just let it happen. It felt so good. I felt very safe with him at that moment. I could feel his boner through his pants. I started laughing and he stopped to ask why. I told him that I felt him. He was embarrassed and I told him not to be. I unbuckled his pants and revealed his man hood. It was a lot bigger than I expected but then again he is a black guy. I looked at him and asked if he had protection. He leaned over and got a Trojan condom out of his bed side table drawer. I opened it and put it on him for him. He took off my pants and I asked him to keep my socks on. He did as I asked. He took off my panties and got on top of me. Before he went in, I demanded he take his top off. He did so. When he got back on top of me, he kissed me. On my lips, cheek and neck very gently. He asked me if I was sure and I whispered yes into his ear. He pushed in very slowly and yeah it hurt. He couldn’t go all the way in. He was too big and I was too tight. What he did have in, he pushed it in and out as slow as he could. I eventually had to tell him to stop. My face was soaking wet from all the tears. He agreed to stop and got off of me as soon as I said something. We got dresses, lay down and took a nap together. I picked a good one for my first time.

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