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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his place
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay so I read your site quite regularly but never thought I would write but after reading the story “what love can do to you” I thought I should share. I was 16 and have always lived near the southern California coast so going to beach a lot in the summer was very common for my friends and I. This particular summer I began to notice this one hunk more and more even though I had seen him off and on the last few years and began flirting with him on a regular basis. He was your typical surfer looking guy with blonde hair, almost turqoise colored eyes and awesome body that was tanned and had the six pack abs. One day he finally introduced himself his name was Kyle and asked my name which is Jill. I found out he was 28 years old and lived right along the coast, divorced for about a year and had a 5 year old son that he gets every other weekend. I knew I should have immediately turned and walked away due to the age difference me being 16 and him 28 but I didn’t. We talked for about 2 hours and he asked me to come back to his place and we could cook out on the grill and talk some more. I wasn’t too sure but my friends kept saying you do it or I will he is hot! I went back to his place with him and on the way told him my age in case he would agree that I am too young and I could just walk away. Instead he smiled with his gorgeous smile and said I am fine with it if you are, besides you seem very mature for your age. I began to feel better we got to his place and talked and cooked out as planned and I left for the evening. I thought about Kyle all night and was sad the next day when I did not see him at the beach. The day after that I did see him again and we talked another hour and he gave me his number and told me to call him that night. I called him as soon as I got home and he asked me out on an actual date! I could not believe it! I went and had the time of my life and we continued to talk on a daily basis and went out about 5-6 more time after that and began kissing each other and hugging a lot more each time. After about 6 weeks of going out he told me that he wanted me to spend the night with him on Sat. night. I reluctantly agreed and did some sneaking and lying to my parents to accomplish this. I met him on Sat. afternoon at his place and he told me of the wonderful evening he had planned, we went out to eat, to a movie and to a party at one of his friends house. He really made me feel good about myself and special. We got back to his place that night and immediately started feeling each other all over, nibbling and licking on each other. I had pretty much done everything with a guy up to this point but the deed itself and I was ready! I told him I was a virgin and he smiled big and looked at me with his turqoise eyes and said he had a feeling I might be but not to worry that he promised to go easy and would take it slowly until I got used to it. He asked me if I was on the pill and said he condoms if I wasn’t. I wasn’t on the pill but told him it was okay because I knew my cycle well and was past my fertile time for the month. He asked again if I was sure I said yes. Before long I laid down on the bed and he straddled between my legs and like an expert began guiding his hard cock inside me. He went very slow but I could still feel an enormous amount of pain as he got the rest of the way in. I soon began to feel less pain and was moaning with pleasure and stared into his eyes, he would just smile and ask if I liked it I moaned yes and told him to thrust me harder which he did. Before I knew it I was really feeling euphoric and moaning and groaning like you wouldn’t believe, he thrust in and out of me so hard that I could hear the bed and light fixture rattle and soon with one last hard thrust he released inside of me long and hard. I couldn’t get my breath, he just collapsed on me and kissed me for a long time and said that he was truly falling in love with me. We had sex one more time that night and once in the morning and it just seemed to keep getting better and better. We continued to see each other secretly for a long time, my senior year when I turned 18 I finally told my parents about Kyle he was about to turn 30 by this time. I admitted to seeing him since I was 16 and that we really loved each other. My parents thought something like this was going on but didn’t want to believe it. My dad who I thought would be the last person on Earth to say it, smiled and asked “When do we get to meet him?” Kyle came over that evening and my mom was still a little concerned but him and dad hit it off right away and even started getting together to watch football, it was awesome. A couple of months before the end of my senior year Kyle kept hinting around that he wished I would mess up on tracking my fertility and we would get the surprise of a baby. Well, in May of that year I was figuring it up and if I got pregnant then the baby would be born right around his birthday and a week before graduating I told him one night as things were getting hot about this and said here is your chance lets give it shot! wink! wink! He said yes and that if I do get pregnant so what, he has already talked to my father and plans to ask me to marry him anyway! I was in heaven! Yes, it did happen I soon found out I was pregnant. Kyle and I were married in a small ceremony in the late summer and 2 days before his birthday we had a beautiful boy. Kyle will be 50 on his next birthday and I will be 38 on mine, we still have awesome sex but often have to be quieter with 2 teenage boys coming and going they are 19 and 15. Not to mention Kyle is now grandpa, his 25 year old son’s wife just had her first baby a few months ago.

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