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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my house livinging room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The girl down the road was, and still is a longtime friend and lover. Many neighborhood walks were taken, and subsequently our innocence. It was truly a enjoyable part of my adolescence and im sure she at least remembers it.
Having the house to myself it wasn’t long before i had called her over to keep me company.
About Shea: 5, blond, slim, and very well developed tits, even for her age of the time which was 13.oh and she doesn’t shave down low, at least not at that time.
as per myself i am 5,10 brown hair very athletic and 6,5 where it counts. these details prob are prob a moot point considering the details perhaps are more interesting than the actual deeds.
Any ways. Here were lie on a leather couch, underwear absconded, armature foreplay given both ways with ferver… annnd wait for it.. its coming. As we’re laying naked cuddling and playing with each others bodies… and i bust out the lil number. ”I have a condom if you want to”. yes, i was that smooth. I littlerally dropped that bomb which was responded to by :uhhm ok” and so we did it. It was long, the sex, not my cock, although either could be, but we had to stop because it was hurting her to much.. I felt bad, but things got exponentially better as we learned to poke and prod each others bodies appropriately.

i dont know how this works but if someone feels the need to respond I’m always willing to, go with god

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