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Lacey McDonald

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Studio
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

It’s more than half a lifetime now since I lost my virginity and remembering it is like reliving it again.
I was fourteen and on top of the world. I was a tall, thin, brunette with a porcelain skin and I was cute and I knew it. I had it in my mind to be a model at age twelve and my mom got into it as soon as I started earning some real money. My mom and dad had divorced when I was young and I’ve still never seen him.
Anyhow, as I started to blossom some of the photographers wanted me to reveal more skin and my mom, who should have protected me, didn’t say anything as long as the dollar amounts on the checks kept going up. This one photog, David, wanted me to go on a one-month summer shoot in Alaska but didn’t want to pay for my mom to come along and he ended up paying her an extra $1,000 to let me come alone. David picked me up to take me to the airport and when we got in the car I asked him who else was coming and he said it was just me and him.
I was going all alone to Alaska with a 38 year old man I didn’t feel good about it but went ahead anyway. We got to Juneau where we got on a floatplane that took us to a little town called Hoonah where David owned a home. We settled in the first day and he let me go look around on a bike and I discovered there wasn’t much to discover. The next day we started working and we went out on his boat and stopped in a couple places where he had me just play on the rocks and he took pictures. The day after that he had me wear some nice dresses and we did other location shots. And when we went home at night he was really nice and he’d make dinner and we’d watch TV and he even let me have a glass of wine with dinner if I wanted.
It went on this way the first week and then one day he packs us up and fueled up his boat and we went up Glacier Bay for three days. The first day we were shooting he had me wear a bikini and it was okay until the afternoon when it got cold. He was really disappointed that I was too cold but we knocked off early and just spent time in the boat sheltering from the wind. The next day was in the 70’s and David motored to this one cove and we went ashore and it was pretty private. He asked me to strip and after a little whining about it I did. He took like eight rolls of film of me nude. When it started to get cold he said we’d stop after a while and just kept shooting more film. He said the cold gave me a hard look and it was perfect so I went along.
Finally it was like 5pm and my teeth were chattering and I was blue and we got back on the boat. I was still really, really cold and so David had me get into his bed and told me to go nude because I’d get warmer that way. He REALLY insisted on it so I did. He picked up my clothes and put them in the locker which was kind of weird. Then he took off all his clothes and got in with me. He was so warm that I didn’t argue and just let him cuddle me. When I started to warm up I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until I felt his hands all over me.
I asked him what he was doing and he said he was admiring his subject. Then he kissed me my first kiss. I asked him if we were going to have sex and he asked me if I wanted to. I said no. He said okay we’d just cuddle and maybe kiss a little. I didn’t even want to do that but back then I wasn’t the arguing type and I didn’t stand up for myself so I went along again.
I got a little fidgety when he put his hand between my legs and when he told me to sit still it was really serious the way he said it so I did. He put his finger inside me and asked me if I was a virgin and I said yes and said cool. Next thing I know he moved himself on top of me and was kissing me as he started poking at me. I pulled my legs together as best I could and then he reached down and pulled my knees up and told me to keep them there. Of course, I did, not knowing what this did for him.
It felt like I was being slowly filled with a telephone pole as he entered me. It was weird and uncomfortable as he was pushing deeper into me with each stroke and then finally he was all the way in and he just stopped and was kissing me and would move a little now and then. He asked me how I was doing and I asked him if we could stop and he said we would soon. He asked me again if I was okay and I said I guess so. He said that’s my girl and then started to fuck me. It wasn’t making love because I wasn’t into it, it was fucking.
He was slow and gentle at first and then, gradually, I could sense his urgency and intensity. He pushed slowly into me a few times and went into me as deep as he could and I pushed back at him trying to get away because it hurt a little. I told him that hurt and he just said I’d get used to it and would someday really like it. Then he started doing that a little faster and then finally held himself deep in me and I felt his cock throbbing inside me as he filled me with his sperm.
He rolled off me and let me go clean up and it was pretty weird to clean his stuff out of me.
He let me get dressed in sweats and we had dinner and sat on deck watching two cruise ships go by. And then it was back to bed and he insisted I join him and I had to be naked again. I was sore from earlier and when he went to get on me I told him so and he stopped and said we really would just cuddle. I went to sleep and when I woke up it was still light out and David was spooned behind me gently pushing at me and caressing me all over. He ran a finger down my spine and I moaned a little and he asked me if I was awake and I said yes. He kissed the back of my neck and then pulled my leg up and I let him. It was still a little sore but as he was entering me this time it felt different and it was also easier for him to get in me because some of his stuff from earlier was still in me.
It felt kind of good and I arched my back a little and he slipped all the way into me. I was starting to feel something nice after a while when he pulled me close and I felt him pulsing inside me again.
We woke up really early and it was really cold with clouds and he insisted we had to shoot and he insisted I go nude again. We did four rolls when I told him I was cold and we went back to the boat and had breakfast and then we went back to bed. He didn’t really bother with the foreplay and instead just got on me and fucked me and came inside me. Then he left me there and went and pulled the anchor up and we went back to Hoonah. We got in like near to dark and we tied up and walked back to the house.
Once we were inside David told me to go to bed and I went to my room and then he came in and said he wanted me with him. We went to his room and he put some pillows on the bed and had me get on them and then he got behind me and mounted me and it was kind of neat to feel him being that way with me. He told me he loved me for the first time and I told him I loved him, too. He fell asleep pretty soon after that and I woke up later to him getting on me and fucking me slowly, gently, and just taking his time. I had my first orgasm with him then. I just felt it start in my belly like a chill and it just washed over me and I held him really tight. He knew what happened and pretty soon he was doing it, too.
The rest of the month was spent with David educating me on life and when I went home I was a woman. Fortunately, I wasn’t pregnant. My mom and I moved away from Santa Clarita and I never saw David again.

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