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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Music Festival - In a tent
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My older Sister was going to the Glastonbury Music Festival with her boyfriend. My dad had gotten tickets for me and my best friend Naomi. There were a ton of great bands playing and dad insisted that she take us along. Katie, my sister wanted the tent to herself and her boyfriend (for obvious reasons, haha) and borrowed one from a friend for me and Naomi. We set up near each other. Me and Naomi were really excited about seeing Doves and Gomez.
It was on the second day that we were near the front dancing to an amazing set by Fatboy Slim that a couple of guys started dancing with us and chatting. I guess they were late 20’s or early 30’s, grungy types. The music was so good and they had a bottle of vodka which they let us take swigs from. At one point they let us sit on their shoulders and get an amazing view. we were waving our arms around and singing like crazy. It was fantastic.
After the set they asked us if we wanted to go for ‘a smoke’. Naomi was really into the idea, I was a bit reluctant but was buzzing so much from the music and the vodka that I went along.
We went to their tent, which was in the same field as ours and not fsr away. it made me feel better that I knew where I was.
They both rolled joints and passed them to us first. Naomi had smoked dope with her boyfriend regularly, but I had only done it once before. I didn’t want to look like a novice so I took a big puff when Naomi passed the first one to me.
My head bagan swimming like mad. I remember seeing Naomi start kissing one of the guys – she had been sexually active for a few months and when she said she was going to our tent with her guy I knew what she was going to do. The other guy put his hand on my leg and started stoking it up and down. He told me I was ‘really hot’. I was really nervous, but let him touch me.
he took a draw of the joint and offered me a blowback. I didn’t know what that was at the time but I found out when he put his open mouth to mine and blew the smoke into my lungs. I managed to do it without coughing, but I was stoned out of my mind.
I remember him laying me down and kissing me, stoking me all over and pulling up my skirt.
I wasn’t sure I wanted to lose my virginity this way, but didn’t want to say that I hadn’t done it before either. Plus I did sort of fancy him.
Before I knew it he was pulling my panties off and had my legs spread open. He undid his pants and slid on top of me. He was fumbling with his cock to find my entrance and eventually slid it in. I guess I would have felt it more if I hadn’t been drunk and stoned but I remember him grunting out, then thrusting slowly into me. His hands were on my tits and he told me to spread my legs wider. I did so and he started going faster. It felt good, really good actually. I felt naughty I suppose, and finally knew what Naomi was talking about when she described sex to me.
It didn’t last long, and I now know that he was far from a ‘good lay’ but when he came inside of me the look on his face was wonderful.
I remember feeling a bit awkward putting my clothes right afterward and waiting for Naomi to get back.
Me and Naomi gigled about it for weeks until I finally got a regular boyfriend, but my first time will always be a fun memory.

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