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Law School Lovers

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I met him in my first year Contracts class in law school. He was an older student. He had graduated from college with an Education degree, but couldn’t find a suitable position right away, so he joined the Navy and spent 12 years there, before leaving and deciding to become a lawyer. He was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. And he was smart. Always volunteering answers to the professor, and asking interesting questions in class.He sat directly in back of me in class, and always greeted me warmly every time I came into class. One day, after class, he asked me if I’d like to go to the cafeteria for coffee, and I accepted. It was our first real conversation together, and I found him enchanting. After that we got together quite frequently, and began studying together in the library. One night, after studying quite late, he invited me back to his apartment. By this time I knew him quite well, and thought it would be O.K. Well, we wound up in bed together, and believe it or not, it was the first time I actually had sex. He was so experienced and made it an absolutely wonderful experience.He entered my body slowly and gradually worked up to a climax that was mind-boggling. It seemed like his sperm would never stop coming, and it felt so warm and good. He was a perfect lover. This was 6 months ago, and now we are fucking on a regular basis. He’s asked me to move in with him, and I am seriously thinking about it. The age difference — about fourteen years — is not that great,and he is such a great lover, I don’t think anyone else could ever satisfy me like he does. And we are so compatible in many other ways.My sister says I’m crazy to get involved with such an “old guy,” but she hasn’t experienced the beautiful sex I have, so she really is not in any position to judge.Over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays we are going on a skiing trip together, and I am really looking forward to further time alone with John.

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