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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: in the barn on our farm
Langauge: english .
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This story won’t take long as its about me fucking our younger calves and heffers my self and my three younger brothers all had sex with animals in the barn as they would not stand still out in the pature for me .Most of the sex was done done during the winter months as the animals were all kept in the barn during the cold winter days and nights they were fed hay and corn silage mornings and nights as that had the cows making more milk then they would with out it .I was very lucky as I never got caught fucking them neather did any of my younger brothers .One time I was caught by my oldest sister she was way older then me probly in her late twentys to early thirtys .At first she was shocked at what she seen me doing but at the same time under stood why being a young man with screaming hormones but As she was devorced and had no boy friend she said why could’nt she take care of my sexual needs .Boy I thought that was the best deal ever so latter on one after noon we both were in the barn she offered to fuck me but not in the barn way to dangerus she sugjested going up in the hay mow it was cold but safe the only time dad would go there was to thro the hay down to feed the cows there next meal .it all worked out great we did it in the hay mow in the loose hay no one ever caught us plus we been doing it now for several months till one day she told me that she was pregnet with my baby now that really grabed my ass what are we going to do who can we tell finaly she came up and blamed it on one of her late boy friends he did not have the faintest idea as to what she had been up to all tho he knew she had been fucking him off and on so there answer was to get married much latter on she gave birth to our baby girl lucky for both of us it looked more like the mother then the fathher its all worked out well I go and see my daughter ever now and then but I never mention its mine thats my latest story by leon .

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience