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Age when it happend: 30
Where it happened: moms bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi My name is leon this story took plsce in the woods we all ways had dogs two large female dogs dad never wanted male dogs as they would bum and not be around when needed .so one time I was just walking out in one of our wood lots the dogs had followed me the thing was they both were in heat dad said to be care full not to let any male dog near them so they would not get bred by one of them .Well one dog we called baby she was a very large dog pluss she was in heat I had her on a leash so she couild not just run off if the erge hit her . We had a nice place where us kids all ways played at so I took baby there i had her stand by my side as I sat down by her side so I could try fingering her cunt as it was all swelled up when a dog is in heat .I played with her cunt i got a finger in it she humpped her back and actually back up against my finger so as she sure seemed to like that I tought what the hell I will try putting my cock in her cunt .I got her in front of me standing there face to face as I reached nack to touch her cunt she whined and wimppered like she wanted more so I thought what te hell I took my cock out as it was all ready hard as she stood in between my legs I got my cock started in to her swollen cuntit was a very tight fit but she sure loved it as she kept humping me it did not take me long be for I shot my load of sperm in to her cunt at that time I did not really under stand I thought it would make her pregnet I did not under stand the sperm was differnt in men then in male dogs but she never got pregnet from me or any male dogs as it turned out she had some kind of female problem that kept her from getting pregnet from any dog or man .I fucked that dog every month when she would cum in to heat.Thats my story this time by leon .

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