Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Hi My name is leon I live alone with my mother my father died years ago I am fourty years old my my mother is just sixty years old .I was never aware of her needs for any sexuall attention till I heard her moaning in her bed room one after noon I was out working in the yard came in to get a cool drink as it was a hot summer day as I got in to the house I could hear my mother moaning in her bed room I thought she might be having a stroke or some such thing so as I rushed in to her room there she laid bare assed naked on her bed both hands busy one in her cunt the other on a tit.I could not believe my eyes seeing her fucking her self like that .I went to her bed side sat down on her bed she jumped with being starttled and took her hands away from her body .I just sat there amased at what she was doing to her self when all the time she knew that I was available to help her in any way that she needed as a young man I had a hard on more then not lol so she just looked at me and said do you love your old mother enough to actually take care of her sexuall needs which I answered yes I wouild be more then happy to do what ever it takes to keep you sexually satisfied daly .She was amased at my statement but latter on we talked it all over then we both agreed to be come lovers no one woud ever know about our privite love lives so it was great she kept my balls emty for the next twenty years till she had a stroke snd latter died of it I sure miss her and the great sex we had to gether she do’s had asister living alone I may go try talking her in to living here with me seeing as she is very poor and it would save us both money plus what sex we could adventuasly have to gether by leon.