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Age when it happend: 40
Where it happened: house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Hi My name is Leon .This story took place in my house we have a medium sized female collie dog .One day she kept jumping in to my lap trying to lick my mouth so I got the feeling she wanted to play a game soI kissed her back as much as she licked my lips this went on for a long time finaly she just layed down in front of me turning over on her back well I did not need to be hitin the had I got her idea right off she wanted me to fuck her so I kept on licking her lips and her me and I rubbed her belly a lot that seems to calm a dog down so after a while he just layed there on her back offering me her tight little cunt as a femal dogs cunt is not very big untill she is in heat when it swells up a few times bigger then normal.Well I rubbed her cunt finaly stuck my finger in it a little ways but it was very dry so I got some of my wifes lubing oil for her dry cunt put some on my finger more on her cunt plys a little finally it went in she was actually grinning if a dog can grin so I kissed its lips some more rubbed its belly then care fully shoved my cock in to her cunt it was a very tight fit but o so hot adogs tempature is seven times hotter then a humams is so it did not take me long to shoot my load of cum in jer as I was way up in to this dogs uterus but we both know she can’t get pregnet from human sperm so we been fucking eachother a few times a wek she cums to me when se is ready for more sex a dog learns very qiuckly about the joys of sex with a loving mans cock lol by leon .

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience