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Age when it happend: 55
Where it happened: moms home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi This story took place years ago when I was only fifteen years old my dad died when I was just ten years old I have lived with my dear old mother ever since then .She was really up set over my dads passing she was on the verge of having a mentle brake down as time went by she got better with my leaning on her and helping her every way I knew how .Much latter on I started telling her she had to get out and meet people her own age plus I said you need a man in your life not just for sex but your on age for company .Well you could of heard a pin drop she just went numb finally she came up with so are you willing to take over my life my sex life as I sure as hell don’t want another old man in my life that will only die on me any way .That kind of grabed me but at the same time gave me the chance to have my way with her .I said mom your now single I am single no weomen in my life ether so lets take advantage of our bad luck let me be come the man in your life your lover all so she just sat there stunned but finally said are you sure you want to be with your old mom and no other women in your life .I said look mom I live here with you we still go and do things to gether like a couple except for the sex which neather of us are getting any lol .I hear you running your viberater lots of times when I was here could of taken care of your every need sex included that . Well I nearly fell off my chair when she said what the fuck I sure do need more sex the real cock type sex your my son but one hell of a good man I have seen your cock way more then a average one women could take .I agree lets be come lovers as of right now I am your lover and your mine lets go to bed right now for a good mans old fasihoned fuck session so thats where were at now we even sleep in the same bed so thats how it turned out were both very happy with the situation if theres any other older ladies out there who need a man in there lives plus have a strapping good looking son living with you do as I did take him on as lover one day you will die and never get the opertunity again to be a lover so enjoy your lives like were doing by leon.

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