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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: moms bed
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi this story took place way back in my much younger days lol . It was inhe mid 1940s at seventeen I was full of hormomes that were screaming for relis of some kind .I lived alone weith my mother as he was a widow for several years .Sowe lived to gether on our old farm home mom rented all of the land to our local farmers that pretty much mayed our lively hood .Plus I worked off and on to help with what I could .My mom was a very horny women I know that as I seen and heard her fucking her self with her fingers latter on with a viberter .I came home this one time it was about ten p m I thought mom was asleep by that time but when I entered our home I heard her moaning and crying in her bed room .Walked right in on her took her hands away from her hot cunt stuck my hands in her latter on it was my cock this was the first time I fucked my mom but it turned out that we became steady lovers what great sex we had thats my story by leon .

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