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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Parents House
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was 17 I stole my mom’s friend’s vibrator. It had a little bulb so that you could shoot cum inside me. I could do that for hours. Later I met Maggs and from the first we had something special. Maggs put her hand on my leg and moved up to my crotch. Because I didn’t pull away Maggs knew I could become a lesbian. However, Maggs was in her thirities and I’m in high school. So I went after Julia who is in the ninth grade. I used the methods Maggs taught me and soon I was rubbing Julias crotch. The next step was to talk about masturbation and how mcuh better it is to have oral sex than masturbation. Next we masturbated in front of each other. Soon I convinced Julia to let me go down on her to treat her to her first orgasm while pushing my fingers against the top of the vagina. I like oral sex becuase of the power it gives me over Julias orgasms. Julia and me never had sex with guys and so we just enjoy oral love making and dildoes. Best of all our parents think we are goody two shoes and let us sleep togther. We have experimented with water and vibrators. In the shower we press our vaginas together and then pee. Julia has a german sheppard named fritzy and we have been talking about that. One of our friends experimented with her dog and now the dog is always trying to hump people’s legs so maybe we will just try oral on Fritzy. We are curious because we want to see the cream cum out. Being gay in high school rules. I know alot of girls who play with their friends. Maybe my mom does too!

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