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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: home
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

My mom remarried after she and dad divorced, back when I was 10. My stepdad was very kind to me, and said he thought of me as if I were his own daughter. For years he took me to sports practices, to dance class, to summer camp, to friends’ houses, everywhere. He was my best friend and confidante. My own dad never contacted me after he and mom split up, so I just revelled in the attention and love my stepdad gave me. he introduced me to his friends as “my daughter Lexi.” He made me feel special. I got roses from him when I graduated from high school. He told everyone he was proud of me, and I was certainly proud to have such a great dad. When I went off to college, he called me every day and when we finished talking, he’d say, “Be careful, study hard. I love you Lexi.” I makes me cry now just to remember him saying that to me.
I came home from college for the summer shortly after my nineteenth birthday. At first all was as it had always been. Then one day mom was at work, I was off from my summer job for the day, and he was home. I had spent a couple hours out by the pool swimming and sunbathing. I pulled a t-shirt on over my bikini and went inside. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was finished, I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room to dress. I hadn’t seen dad around, so I figured he had gone for a walk or something. I dropped my towel and brushed my hair. When I got done, I went to my dresser to get some clothes out when a bright flash startled me. I looked and there was dad with a camera in his hands. Casual nudity had never been a big deal in our home, so it wasn’t like a new thing for him to see me naked, but he’d never behaved inappropriately before, and had certainly never taken a picture of me without my clothes on. I was stunned and speechless. He put the camera down on the dresser and backhanded me across the mouth. He called me a filthy slut and grabbed my arm and twisted it behind me. He then started squeezing my breasts and groping me all over. He forcibly kissed me on the lips, and I could smell alcohol strongly on his breath. I tried to get away, but he’s over six four, weighs around two hundred and eighty pounds, and I’m only five nine and weigh one twenty five. He shoved me back on my bed and jerked his pants down and penetrated me. I was a virgin and my hymen was still intact. I hurt so bad when he forced his way into my body. I was dry and it felt like I was being burned and ripped at the same time. He bit my left nipple so hard that I still have a scar today. After he ejaculated in my vagina, he flipped me over and bit my bottom hard. I have a scar there too. He pawed me for a while then forced his penis into my rectum. At that point I think I blacked out from the pain. When I came to, he was gone, my vagina and rectum burned like they were on fire. There was alot of blood coming from them and from the bite marks. My mom walked in as I was getting off the bed. She screamed, and I still wake up at times hearing her scream in my sleep.
She asked me right off the bat if my stepdad had done it. I could only nod my head. She hugged me, and then helped me slip on some clothes and took me to the ER. That was nearly as traumatic as the rape.
He was arrested and ultimately convicted of rape. He acted cold and indifferent to me at the trial. He admitted doing it sort of like you’d admit to having driven a bit over the speed limit, like it was no big deal. He said he knew I wanted it. After he went to jail, mom behaved very coldly toward me.
I went back to school and graduated. I have a good job, a nice home, and a lovely Jack Russell terrier for company, but I feel so alone. My biological dad is out of the picture, my mother is cold and politely formal when we infrequently see each other. He is still behind bars.
I have always wanted a family, but it seems like guys just know what happened and avoid me. I am considered to be very pretty, I’m trim and athletic, I know I’m attractive, but I seem to be invisible. On the few times I have gone out with a guy, I was terrified that he’d hurt me. My first time wasn’t so great.

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