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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: living room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

So today i was unpacking because we had just moved. in one of my parents boxes i saw a porn video. i had seen porn many times before but never did anything. i stayed home while everyone left for my sisters soccer game. i put the movie in the dvd player and started watching. awhile through i was getting really horny. so i paused it to go get some thing to masterbate. the whole time i was rubbing my clit, but it wasnt doing anything. so i got a hairbrush and a vibrating toothbrush! i put the toothbush on my underwear by my clit. that gave me an orgasm in a few minutes. i was screaming at this point. then i tried the hairbrush. it wasnt as helpful bust still amazing. so throughout the movie i used the toothbrush.

later that day i took a shower and used the shower head…AMAZING. my vaginas hurts now. but its so woth it. i cant wait to have sex!!

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