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lezzy gang bang

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: friends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

the other night me my friend katie, maria and sian had a sleep over at sians house, her parents were out.
we invited some boys round for a game of truth and dare, jamie dared me to toss leroy off so i did n leroy dared jamie to finger sian so he did , then it came to group dares. all the boys dared us girls to have a lesbian gang bang,
so … i started makin out with maria wilst katie took my top off n started suckin my nipples it felt so good, they i started takin sians trousers off , i rubed her clip hard and stuck my tounge in her mouth till she let her juices out,
then my trousers went downi could felt some1 shuve something up my hole it realy hurt i turned around to see one of the boys had shuved his hole hand up my hole , it hurt so much because he was trying to get it further up each time ow i screamed he punched into me and then i started bleedin he removed his hand and started lickin it up

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