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Lil Nicky Big balls

Age when it happend: Like 15
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: Dirty
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I was 15 and Daddy had gone down to the waterhole fetch some catfish for supper. I sent down to the fields pick up some dandelions for Momma. Thats when i saw mary lou. She lived down in town with all them rich folks. She was 23, and like, totally a model. If i can be honest, i have changed her name to protect her identity because actually she is a famous supermodel. She beckoned me over, and I was so nervous i tripped up and fell in a cow pat. I was so embaressed, i went bright red and started to cry from the smell. she bent down to help me up, and scooped all the pup from my eyes gently and sensually. I started to apologogise for being so dutty, but she said she thought it was cute. then she shoved my head into toilet area and started to moan my name. then she put my maypole into her mouth and moaned my name some more. then she sat on my beating totom pole. I couldnt tell where i ended and she began, because it was so hot. and also because there was still a lot of cow pup in my eyes. i came gallons and she loved it.
It was the best christmas ever.

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