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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: At my friends house.
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay, so, it’s very strange how it happened. I stayed the night at my friends house. My friend Lucas and myself were just talking about how his friends had, had sex and took their friends virginity. An didn’t feel weird about it and they were still very good friends to this day and it didn’t change anything about their friendship. I told him I was very worried I’d lost it to the wrong guy. He said “I’m sure you won’t, you’re a smart girl” I told him “Smart but very stupid” I tend to meet the wrong guys and have a bad relationship with them. So we decided we’d do it. He and I were very slow, I was so nervous. He used a condom and took things slowly so he wouldn’t hurt me. It was okay. But I was bored with him on me. I was just thinking as he was doing it. He would kiss me and stuff but I wasn’t the slightest bit interested. I did it…to do it I guess. I don’t regret doing it with him. I just regret doing it, I thought sex would be more than that. I wasn’t even turned on. I know I wasn’t ready but ignored my conscious yelling “NO” to me. So gals take your time, don’t rush into it because your curious or horny you’ll probably make a mistake.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience