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Linda Jo

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Israeli desert
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time could not have been scripted better. It was three weeks before my 21st birthday in 1977. A girlfriend and I were on an extended 3-month trip to Israel. We camped wherever we could as we traveled the country, hitchhiking (called tramping) the entire time. We made our way to an army base at Mt Massada. We got friendly with a couple of soldiers who were scheduled, in the late night, to do guard duty in an army tank way out in the desert overlooking the Dead Sea. They sneaked us into the tank where we traveled over some very rough terrain in the bottom of the tank. We were tossed around mercilessly for what seemed like forever! We landed deep in the desert and my soldier and my friend’s soldier took turns doing the guarding from the gun turret. While the other soldier was on duty, my soldier grabbed a large blanket and took me deeper into the desert behind a sand dune. There was a full moon. You could see every star and constellation in the sky. There was no light and no sound. It was as if we were the only two people on earth. He made love to me and it was heavenly. He had to bury the blanket in the desert – due to evidence of my deflowering.

A short time later, the other soldier spotted a light heading toward our position and my friend and I were sent off into the dark into hiding behind a sand dune. It was the base Commander looking for the two American girls who had been seen with them and disappeared. They feigned ignorance, he left, and we went on to enjoy the rest of the evening with them.

I did see him again before I left the country and I left with very sweet memories. No regrets 🙂

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