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Linda – Trick B/J

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: Our bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I was 20 and was living with my boyfriend in an apratemnt. At the time for over a month he had been going down on me giving me oral sex and I loved it. Sometimes he eat me out to get me ready for his dick and other times he make me cum this way. I’d then get him off with a hand job.

Then, this one night, he brought me to orgasm by eating me out. He was naked and he laid on his back with his dick sticking up hard as a rock and ready and he told me “Isn’t it about time you went down on me”? I’d never done this before but I knew it was normal and it was about time I did it. So, I slowly made my way down his body kissing him all the way. When I got to his dick, I held it and kissed it all over. I was ready to take it into my mouth but before I did I told him “Please don’t cum in my mouth. I’m not ready for that”. He promised me that when he was about to cum that he’d tell me and I could bring him off by hand. So, I opened my mouth and took his dick in. I went to going up and down on it. I did this for awhile and then I saw him kind of tense up but he didn’t say anything so I just kept going. He had his hands on the back of my head and without warning he literally exploded. The first shot of cum hit the back of my throat and choked me. He held my head down as he pumped more and more cum into my mouth. i finally get away and ran to the bathroom coughing and gagging. I finally got my breath back and I was so angry. The first words out of my mouth was “You bastard”.

I rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash and then went back into our bedroom still cursing him. He thought if was funny and he joked about how good it felt cumming in my mouth. I then got some trash bags and went through the apartment and got all my stuff and loaded it in my car. He sure wasn’t laughing now. He was begging me to forgive him but to me, no way. That was the final straw and the last time he’d get his cum in me, mouth or pussy. I left and went back home. Of course, I didn’t tell my parents what had happened and why I left him.

Months later, I got a new boyfriend and moved in with him. It still took me several months to finally go down on him. He’d let me know he was cumming and I’d finish him by hand. I had talked to some girlfriends of mine about this and learned a few things. Finally one night, I told him he could leave it in when he came. I knew about using my tongue now to prevent the cum from shooting back to my throat. I now enjoy giving him blow jobs and going all the way; cum and all. I even swallow it now. My boyfriend love this.

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