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Lindsay & Chad

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: Hotel bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

As I go through reading these, I know that many of them are lies. Well I would just like to tell you all, that mine is of complete and total truth. When I was 18, I met the most wonderful guy. We met our first day of college. His name was Chad, he was 19, and it was love at first sight. I couldn’t find my first class, English 111, and I thinkt hat he knew I was lost cause he asked if I needed any help. I told him that I didn’t know where I was going and he asked the class I was looking for and I told him and he ended up having the same class so we went there together. Well that is how we met. After a few weeks of hanging together all of the time, he asked me out on a date. And of course I said yes. We had a great time. We went out to dinner, then to a movie. Afterwards we went on a 45 minute drive to a beach in the next city and we walked hand in hand on the beach and then layed and looked at the heavens till the early morning. He was a complete and total gentlemen. We continued to date for months. We had talked about going further, as in sex, and I told him that I was waiting till marriage. He totally understood and never pushed the issue again. When I was about 19 and a half, Chad and I were at the same resturant where we went on our first date. After dinner, he reached in his pocket and I knew what he was going to do next. A waiter brought out a dozen red roses and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was estatic. I said yes, and we married a few months after I turned 20. Well I know you all are probably waiting for the sexual part. We married in the summer, a very nice warm day. The wedding was beautiful. We planned a Honeymoon to Cancun. After the wedding we left to go there. I was so nervous and so excited because I knew what lay ahead of us. We got there, went for a swim and he took me to get a chocolate icecream cone. (He is very sweet.) We later went to the suite. It was a nice room. A waterbed and everything. We were laying on the bed and we started to kiss. After about 10 minutes, I got up and went to the bathroom to put on this beautiful little nightie that I had bought. It was purple, and very skimpy I might add. Well I walked out and he had the biggest smile on his face. I walked over to him and I was kind of trembling. He said “Your shaking.” And I said “I know.” He told me I was beautiful, that I was everything he ever wanted. We kissed for a while, and then his hand moved up my nightie to my breast. (We had done this many times.) He slowly slipped the nightie over my head and I lay there totally naked except for my panties. Well….lets just say he was very very gentle. He performed oral sex on me first and I had an orgasm. When the inital sex came along it was quite painful but he was so gentle. I didn’t have an orgasm though. We made love all night. I did later in the night have orgasms though. We had fun exploring each others bodies and sexual needs and wants. I got pregnant a few months later. (It WAS planned.) I had my little girl Makayla a few months ago. She has brought us so much joy and I couldn’t be happier.

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