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Li’s first time

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Grammy's House
Langauge: Englsh
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well my first time was really awkward and a little weird. The guy that I was dating, we had been dating for 2 yrs. We were both pretty young and it was both our first time. Neither of us had any type of experience with this. So when we started, we were in the living room on a blanket on the floor. We started kissing and rubbing each other. Once we realized that we were way pass the point we normally stop at he asked if I was ready to take that next step. I was so scared but I told him yes. Then he began to undress me and playing with my nipples. I just laid there because I really didn’t know what to do. He laid me back and got on top of me. He told me that he loved me and would never want to hurt me. He reached for a condom and began to play with my vagina. After he gave me an orgasim with his fingers he began to penetrate me, and that was the most painful thing that I have ever felt in my life. He asked if he was in the right whole, and I said I DON’T KNOW!!!!! So while I was laying there in pain he got a few pumps in, and I do mean a few. He lasted for about 5 minutes then it was all over. I said that I would never have sex again and he rolled over and went to sleep. lol…so sad.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience