Well, my boyfriend would probably kill me if he knew I was putting this out on the net, so i’ll use different names. Believe me, it was so great I can’t possibly let you miss this one…
This all started ummm, roughlys ago in the grade. We went to his house one dy after school, because his mom was single, he and his brother would be there alone until like 7. When he took me in his room and lay me down, I was so nervous I thought I was going to pee all over the place! I was so afraid that it never happened that day. We stayed friends and he never told anyone what happened.
We’d lost touch after graduation, but about 3 and a half years later, I bumped into his younger brother and he mentioned John(we’ll call my b/f “John”).
We hooked up a few weeks later and he was complimenting my new look, surprised to see I finally bloomed out of my shell. I’d always liked him alot. Finally, a month later, I think Valentine’s Day Weekend, he came to my house and we were watching videos. I had just gotten out of bed before John came, and since I sleep naked, I threw on a tank top and some sweats to cover up. He started kissing me and telling me how much he’d missed me, and I fell right into it. I was overwhelmed by how much his body had improved from before(he’s 2nd in State for Powerlifting!). He pulled off my shirt and started squeezing my tits. I felt like I would burst in his strong arms. He started sucking on them and biting them, and I could just feel all the wetness between my legs beginning to flow.
I was surprised i’d ended up home alone, so I figured it was my only chance b/c I was always scared if we did it at his house, his step-dad would tell(but we found out later he wouldn’t!). I was too scared to take him upstairs, for fear my dad would come in and we wouldn’t be able to hear him, so in the diningroom we went. It turned out not to be a bad place! He picked me up and sat me in one of the chairs(big plush over-done chairs that don’t belong in a diningroom) and pulled off my sweats. I was still nervous like the first time, and flashbacks hit me everytime he touched and kissed me. But this time there was no turning back. He ripped open a condom and pushed my legs up. John joked, “still a virgin?”, to which I sighed, “yeah”. His cock hadn’t gotten any smaller, so fuck what ya heard about weightlifter’s cocks shrinking! He laughed a little, and promised to go easy but that I would beg for it soon enough.
He pulled me to the edge of the chair, and gently pressed inside of me. I rested my legs on his shoulders and he forced a little more.
I screamed in, to this day I still don’t know, pain or pleasure. Maybe both! But he liked it and he went deeper. I gripped his shoulders and cursed him out for what seemed like hours, but I fell silent and then he asked me if I liked it and I began moaning and screaming again. About 30 mins. later, he came as did I, and I pulled him close to me. He asked me if I was okay and I punched him in his arm and gave him a big kiss.
We sat around for a little while on the couch, just cuddling. But I had enjoyed myself so much, I pounced in his lap and begged him for more. Without further question, he picked me up and threw me down (not literally!) and fucked me so hard that I nodded off afterwards. Eventually he left and my dad showed up a little while later. He started talking to me about something, but I was still feeling it and fell asleep right on his arm.
To this day, John and I ar still together. We just passed the mark recently and he proposed to me! And believe me, i’m glad my first time was with him because I love and trust him and the sex has never been dull.