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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: At his house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Right, me and my ex boyfriend had just broken up a couple of months before he invited me around his house to get pissed with him and the lads, when i got to his house (Kent, England) he told me that he had got all of the alcohol and lets go over to his friends house, so we got there and omg all of the boys were sooo fit! ;), anyways we started to play truth or dare, weirdly enough i got picked first and then Ben (the ex) was like down a whole big bottle of wine so i did, me being only 5 ft 1 and not exactly fat ( i do have love handles though lol) i got drunk very quickly. after all of the alcohol was finished me and a couple of the boys went back to Ben’s house. Me and Ben was up in his room and all of thee rest of the boys were downstairs, i kissed Ben, and then said that i needed the loo when i was in there i rang everyone and was like ‘WOOOOO i kissed Ben’ i came out and was standing infront of Ben he took my top off and i unbotteded his, you know like how they do it the movies; he turned off the light and pushed me up against the door and started to kiss me really passionatly, i was like omg Ben didnt know you was like this :o. In the end my legs were wraped round him and he took me to the bed and undid my bra with one hand (i taught him how to do that before we broke up:).) I cant really remember hpw he got the rest of the clothes off cos i was like propa pissed but rememeber the best bit, he fingered me and i gave him head, he got a comdom out of the draw next to the bed and i put it on him and he was like are you readyy i said omg yeah go for it, it did hurt quite alot not at first but i did when he started to push really hardly but i loved every minute of it. Just before we finished the boys all walked in on us, CRINGEE. Basically i did still love him when we did it even though we was broken up but now we are just friends and yes i did orgasm!! WOOO!. Love and peace. X

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience