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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well i met this young man, he was 3 years older than me, we dated for about 4 months prior to mmy first time. the night was hot a nd i do mean hot 98 degrees, we lived in a unairconditioned house. he came home from work and i decieded this was the night, well i felt kind of funny because it was my first itme, i even drank a little wine
to get loose, well we laid in the front room an the floor, i finally got the courage to say go ahead and lets make love,well we played with each other and i then decieded to mount his penis well as i moved down his glistening penis i felt it going in then all of a sudden i felt some major pain, i was a virgin and i did not know it would hurt like that. he was moaning and needed to go all the way, he then said to me stop now …..i do not want this to be something awful and painful, i did , i then gave him a hant job and boy oh boy he blew a load of cum alomst 5 feet away…..after a week i decieded to try again and finally we succeded in penetrating all the way, it did not hurt as bad but i did not tell him, i sucked up the pain and loved him all night, we woke up the next day and boy o boy there was blood everywhere, but guess what it was great to know i satisified my man….oh yea we have been married not for 31 years.it still is going strong better thn ever………….

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