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Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: Trafalgar Square
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

I’ve told you about our sexual experiences in Paris, and now Todd and I are in London. Two nights ago, we did it on the upper deck of a two story bus. Only two other passengers were up front, so we went in back and started to fuck. No one noticed until Todd started to come and I screamed out his name. They looked around and couldn’t belioeve what they were seeing. I told you those British were prudes. Last night, after dark, I gave Todd a blow job right beneath Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. There were quite a few people around and it created quite a stir. One lady told us to find a hotel room. Another gentleman said he was going for a Bobbie (police officer), so we ended it and went on our way.Tonight, we are going to Hyde Park where there a lot of people listening to the speeches of those wing-nuts on soap boxes. It should give them quite a thrill. I think Todd will start with a short speech on “The Joys of Sex,” and then we’ll give them our demonstration. Should be fun.

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