Where it happened: with friends
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Before all of this gay stuff and the confusion about that, when I was younger lots of guys regularly made it with guys. It was just called “being friends.” Every summer up at the lake dozens of young guys would discretely be getting it on with each other. Some of my very best sex memories are back from this time. We would have oral and anal sex, and sometimes a little male-romance (kissing and all of that), and basically we would just enjoy being guys together. None of us ever thought of this as being “gay” like they do today, and we never worried about putting a lable on it besides “fun.” I feel sorry for young guys today who are forced into beleiving that they are ani-female just because they might occasionally like making it with a friend. Ah, those were the days!