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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: farm
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hi My name is Lora ,Growing up on the farm could be very boring as there was nothing much for a girl to do be sides school and the chores on the farm or helping mom in the house .But one day I was walking our large sheppered dog out in the woods when I thought boy what a nice large cock this dog has then I got to thinking could it fit in my pussie plus not like a boy I could not get pregnet from the dog ether so I stopped and took wholed of the dogs penis and started working it back and forth when it suddenly came out of its sheath still not full sized I had seen a dogs penis after breading our female dog we have for raising puppys to sell as it was just another way for my dad to make a few dollars that way .So I slipped my pantties down got down on my knees called the dog over and tryied to get him to mount me from be hind but it did not under stand my wishs so I reached around behind me took its penis in my hand guided it in to me waiting pussie the second its head hit my hot wet cunt it needed no more instructions it started pumpimg me like craszy I started having orgasims one after the other I thought I would die from them but after a few more strokes the dog shot his sperm in to my hot waiting cunt it felt so good to feal as a dog has a lot of sperm way more then a man due’s well thats pretty much the story except I have fucked that dog at least a hundred more times he now under stands my needs all I need to do to day is to call him rumb my cunt and he is ready to fuck me if your a older women and don’t have a ready man get your self a large dog you will never be satified by a man again in your life time lol by lora .

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