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Lost my virginity to my husband in the park

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: the park
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well I have read most of these stories and I know most of them are bull. But my story is true. I lost my virginity the night I married my husband. We were both virgins. We had a beautiful wedding. After the reception Chris whisked me off to a secret place. He wanted our first time to be memorable and not in some hotel. He took me out of teh limo and covered my eyes. He took me to a clearing and uncovered them. We were in teh park where we had played as children. He had spread out blankets and we were surrounded by bushes and trees. I told Chris how much I loved him and we began to kiss. I layed down and told him… Im all yours. He undid my dress and threw it off to the side. He kissed my lips and went down first to my neck and then to my stomach. We werent into oral sex because we belived that wasnt how god wanted it. I pulled his head back up and I kissed him. I then took off his jacket and shirt exposing his amazing tight abs. I unzipped his pants and I revealed a huge bulge in his boxers. He took off his boxers and undid my bra and slid off my panties. “I’ll be gentle he said.” He kissed my lips and rubbed the tip of his erection over my vagina. This drove me crazy. He asked “are you ready.” I replied with the nod of my head. He slowly entered me I was already so wet from anticipation that he slid right in. He slowly started to penetrate and I felt a sharp pain but I didn’t let him become aware, I knew he was being as gentle as possible. He started pumping and I got used to it very quickly. I soon grabbed his backside moving with him only caring about how it flet. He told me he was gonna cum, I told him to wait a little longer and he held it. I couldnt hold it any more and I screamed YES CHRIS NOW NOW NOW NOW! He bursted inside of me and fell on top of me. We were both breathing heavily and we kissed. We slept for about an hour and then I saw that chris was hard again. He was still sleeping so I got on top of him and moved up down and around on his erection. He awoke startled and then smiled. He grunted and I moaned. I moved up and down on him and we both loved it. He asked if he could go down on me I hesitated but I knew it would feel good so I let him. I licked my clit and penetrated with his tounge I has an amazing climax and he told me that I shouldnt suck him off… so I didn’t. We made love that night 4 times in every position we could think of. By the time we were finished it eas 4:00 in teh morning and we got dressed and went home. We now have 2 childern a girl and a boy and we have been happily married for 7 years. I hoped you enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed living it.

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