I was with my girlfriend at that time Louise fooling around whilst her parents were out shopping. One thing lead to another and I lifted her skirt up and pulled her knickers down whilst she leaned over the Black leather settee her parents had exposing the really beautiful tight arse she had. At that point my penis was ready to burst out my pants so in an instance I dropped my trousers and pants down and plunged my penis into her vagina which just seemed to open up. I trust into her with real vigor making a lovely slapping noice whilst my hands went up the inside of her t-shirt to cup and grap her breasts. I really got carried away trusting faster and faster groaning out loud with pleasure whilst Louise got really worked up to as I felt her getting wetter and wetter. After a few minutes I reached a point of no return and ejaculated for all my worth into her and I felt at least a dozen bursts of semen go into her. I layed exhausted over her and as my penis slipped out of her my semen started to drip out of her making a noice each time it landed on the wooden lounge floor. I pulled my pants and trousers up in the nick of time as Louises parents returned home. They came into the lounge to see if we were alright as I sat flushed looking on the settee. Louise was still standing behind the settee with her skirt now down in place but with no knickers on and my semen running down her legs. Fortunately her parents stood in the doorway so couldn’t smell the semen. As they left we used her knickers to wipe up what we could but the lounge had an unusual smell for weeks after that.