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Age when it happend: 18 (barely)
Where it happened: college
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

We were freshman in college and we were best friends. I
emphasize the “were”, because after it happened we gradually
grew apart because I wanted to be something more than just
a designated hook-up, and he just needed attention and love
without giving any.
To make a long story short, we were in his room very late at
night when his roomie was out of town and we had only kissed
for the first time a week before but I had been in love with
him since the first time I saw him at the beginning of the
year. We were laughing and joking and he started to tickle
me and I was squirming like crazy and giggling like a maniac!
Then he turned me towards him and gently kissed me, while I
was still laughing and trying to get away. He stuck his
tongue in my mouth and the warmth of it surprised me. He
slowly slid his hands up the back of my shirt and at the same
time began to kiss my neck. He hadn’t shaved that day so the
stubble tickled as he made his way down to my chest. At this
point someone knocked, so we ignored it, but quieted down a
bit. Then he said he had to get up early and got into bed.
I was feeling snubbed, so I started to leave, but he stuck his
foot out of the bed and hooked my leg and said “don’t leave”.
He was so adorable, I had to stay. I got into the bottom bunk
with him and he hugged me tightly as we spooned. Then he
began to stroke my hair and I rolled over and slid my hands
up his shirt over his smooth, muscular abs. He pulled his shirt
off and from the hardness aginst my thigh I could tell he
was excited. We made out for a long time, and eventually
my shirt and bra came off. I kissed my way down his stomach
and teased him thorugh his sweatpants until he was moaning
with pleasure. He pulled his sweats and tightywhities down and
I went down on him until he gasped out for me to stop because
he was going to come. He smiled and called me a tease, and
said that he bet he could do better. I tld him to prove it, so
he ripped off my pants and underwear and fingered me. He
has supposedly been with lots of other girls, but he was
terrible at it!! Even half a year later, when our relationship
finally ended, he still didn’t realize that he sucks at that
aspect of sex! Anyway, we didn’t have any protection, but I swear
to you that I didn’t eben think about it until I felt him
about to enter me. Then, for just a second, I thought about
telling him tyo stop, but I was much too nervous
about the prospect of losing my virginity to say anything.
He came into me and it hurt in a burning kind of way. Neither
of us came and on the whole it was not a fun experience. In
the months that followed we discovered that we had much more
fun with just petting and oral, which he says I have anatural
talent for. 🙂
However, this story is not a good one. We only had sex that
one time, but I wasted 7 months of my life obsessing about him
and letting him be selfish while I was extremely generous. Then
he finally broke my heart by telling me that he wasn’t ready
for anything more than just hookups, which I had kind
of guessed a long time ago, but didn’t want to admit it to
myself that I meant nothing to him. Now we are still friends
but it is awkward because he knows I still ove him and I
know all his secrets because he used to tell me everything.
Plus all oyur friends know, so it makes for weird situations
(all his friends and mine too are on my side – they say he
is an irresponsible bastard and that I should just move on).
So for all you first timers out there, and everyone else in
a relationship that is unfullfilling, sex is not the answer;
it won’t solve your problems even if you really love the person
you are with. Their has to be love both ways if it’s going
to work out, and only then will sex be an experience worth
the complications it brings with it. I hope he reads this
and realizes it is him, but the chances of that are slim…
but nevertheless, , I love you and I wish you had loved
me too. But we will always be friends, and no matter what
you will always be my first.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience