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Love As Never Before

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: The Arms Of My Love
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I must say that my first time was not the most pleasant thing that I have ever experienced, so I am not going to tell you about it. However, I can spin you a tale of the first time that I truly made love.
After a stressful day, I often like return to my apartment for a relaxing bath, and some peaceful music. On this particular day, my boyfriend, or should I better say, “The Love of My Life” had come home early from work. He was waiting at the door of my apartment for me, with a candle in one hand, and a towel in the other, dressed nicely in his black three piece suit. In the suave manner of a french monsier, he ushered me into my bedroom, and sat me on the bed.
“Your bath awaits, m’lady”, he said with a smile. Softly, gently he removed my clothing, piece, by piece, and brought me into the candle lit bathroom. The aroma of peach and lavender filled my nostrils, and I could hear the quiet melody of “Cannon” by Pachelbel, playing in the background.
As I dipped my toes into the warm, inviting water, a sensation of warmth and relaxation swept over me. Easing my tired body, into the water, My Love lovingly began stroking my forehead. He then proceded to remove his suit, and join me in my heaven. We sat there, just he and I, for an hour, talking, holding hands, and sharing our secrets, as we most often did.
He then lathered up a bath sponge with peach soap, and began to wash me, every part of me, thoroughly, until every inch of my body was covered in soap. At that moment, I felt perfectly clean and pure, a feeling that I had not experienced for a long time. I knew I was finally ready, and so did he.
He reached over, and ran his hand through my hair, a reasuring gesture, and bent over to kiss me. Our lips met, send a wave of feeling through my body, a feeling of romance, as I had never experienced before. He lightly ran his strong, but gentle fingers around my body, starting at my neck, and slowly working his way around the whole of me, as he had done with the soap. He caressed me, lovingly, knowing my uneasiness with my previous sexual experiences, and told me that I could stop at any time, if I felt that I wasn’t ready. He began to kiss my neck, lightly, and I responded to his touch by kissing him back, lightly touching his ear, and neck.
When he entered my body, I didn’t cry, as before, nor did I feel a rush of panic. It was strangely a comforting sensation that I had never thought could happen to me. It was as if our bodies were one, moving together, not through each other, as it had been in the past. I knew then that forever would I have a piece of him inside of me, reminding me of his love.
I’m not going to tell you now that we made passionate love until the morning, or that I physically was turned on in any way, but there was something in the way that he held me, the way that he kissed me, and the soft way that he whispered those sweet words “I Love You” into my ear. These small things made this the most wonderful moment of my life up to that point, up to this point, and up to the point that we walk away from the alter joined in God’s eyes, body, soul, and life.

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