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Love at first fuck

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I’ve been very sexual for as long as I can remember. I think my younger sister got the gene too because every time she had friends stay over it seems our games turned to some sort of doctor or sexual play. Most of the time it would involve me as the patient as her and her friends examined me. I would lay under the covers as told by the “nurses” – stripped down to my underwear. I loved the feeling of them peeling down the covers and my shorts and they would giggle as my boner popped out. Sometimes they would touch it or order me on my stomach to put a thermometer in my butt. By the end of the play I would be lucky if I got to see them naked as they were much shyer. I rarely got a chance to touch. One weekend she had one of her Swim Team friends over, Gina, a girl I was extremely attracted to but had not gotten to see naked yet. I was a bit intimidated by her dark brown eyes and skin, I was very awkward around her. I came up with a game where we turned my sisters whole room into tents with bedsheets. I then got out my camera and asked if they wanted to play fashion model. They were into it and would come into the tent in made up outfits as I took pictures. As the game progressed, my sister would get bolder and skimpier with the outfits and Gina would follow along, trying to out do her for attention. Her final outfit she came in the tent wearing a clear garment bag pretty much showing me her entire body for a flash. After that they took showers and got their pj’s on for bed. They went into the tent and told me to go away so they could girl talk. Of course I spied on them, and once chased Gina down the hall and pinned her for a kiss and grabbed her ass. I was a bit shocked that she used her tongue and started frenching. She whispered to me that she could stay up later than my sis and would come down to watch TV later. Well, I waited an hour or so and she did’nt come down, so I went inside the tent. They were both curled up asleep. I layed behind Gina and wispered but she didn’t wake. I did not want to wake my sister up so I layed there quietly. I could not help myself but to start rubbing Gina on the back. As I got bolder my fingers started working there way down her pajama bottoms and up and down her ass. She started moaning in pleasure so I continued… although I was scared she would wake up and freak out. Slowly working up to her pussy, I was shocked to feel how wet and warm it was. I had never gotten this far before. I put the tip of my finger in and then took it out for fear of hurting her. She then surprised me by grabbing my hand and putting it back down there. At this point I was starting to rub my cock and she then rolled around and put her hand on it. She was very gentle and just kind of tickled it up and down my shaft and balls. We masturbated for a few minutes and are moans got loud enough to stirr my sister. She rolled towards us and we both just froze, our hearts pounding. By the time it was safe to move again my hard on was gone. Gina was fully spread at this point so I slid down for a closer look and to finally try and lick a girl. I must have done it right cause she wriggled in pleasure and my tongue felt like it was touching a 9 volt battery. Then she said the magic words….”I want you in me”. I climbed on and penetrated her, only making it a few strokes before I felt it coming. I quickly pulled out and had an orgasm all over her. I whispered sorry and she giggled that it was fine. I wiped her off with my T-shirt and she went off to the bathroom. I went downstairs and turned on the TV…. wondering what she would do. I was thrilled that she came down to stay up with me and we had an unbelievable make out session. The next day she slept all day and I think that made my sister mad, I still don’t know if sis knew I fucked her but I think she did cause unfortunately they kind of broke off as friends. We still got to play around on occassion, she gave me a blowjob at the drive in once… in secret cause she was too young to be my girlfriend. Watching her grow up a couple years behind me was tough cause she had lot’s of boyfriends and I knew what those lucky boys were getting.

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