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love at last

Age when it happend: 2 year's ago.
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it was july 5 2009 mme and my best friend were studying fo school and started ask persanul questoin’s and we both awnserd them,then he got up and askd, do you like like me?and I said ya,kinda.then he said kiss me so I did then he started taking of his shirt and mine and the we were both naked and he pushed me on my bed and started pun ing his cock in my vajj and pushing in and out.my mom came in to get him cus his mom was here and she freked out!!! when he left my mom grounded me and whent to the store to get me a pregnacey test and…it was POSEDTIV!!!!!so now I have a son.so not cool.

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