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love in the park

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: park
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was with this girl for about 2 years we did alot of things. she would take me out to the corn field that behind her house and suck my dick and I would eat her out but we never had sex un till we went to the park on saterday nught. Us and a couple of friends whent to go hicking on the trails through the woods two of my friends broke off and did there own thing. we all met up later that night back at the parking lot there was a little shelter that no one ever came to we would drink and smoke there all the time and this time was no differnt. we where all haveing a good time when i had to go and take a piss so i went to the restomes the on they have in the parks. i rember standing there takeing a piss when she came in she reached aroung me grabed my cock just as i was done piss ing and turned me around and we started makeing out I started rubbing her breast through shirt and then i took it off she was stroking my hard cock and she slid down my chest and started sucking my dick when she stoped i got off her pants and started licking her pussy i was sucking (the little man in the boat) so hard the she screamed out as she cummed in my mouth. this is when the most amizaing thing happend i got up on my knees and slid my dick into her and started pounding it has hard as i could i think i lasted about 45 secounds before i shot my load at least i pulled out in time!!!!!!! that is when all the sex in my lifr started and i am happey to say that it has been 8 years ago and i am now going to marry that girl and i have gotten alot better in ben now i have had a lot of practice.

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