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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Bedroom
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My name is Ann and I have been with my boyfriend, Tad for 11 months. Both of us are 17 and we had been taking about going the distance and becoming lovers. I am totally in love with tad so after being at a party where everyone was talking about who was sleeping with who we decided that it was time four us to do the deed. It was may 7, 2011 when we did it. It happened at my home. My parents were gone for the day so we had plenty of time to enjoy. Tad arrived around 10 AM and we went right down the hall to my bedroom and got naked.
On the bed we kissed and made out with us doing some oral stuff and then I was feeling Tad’s penis up against the opening of my vagina and then it was happening. To my pleasure it didn’t hurt all that much as I felt Tad’s penis slowly penetrate. When he was al the ay in he paused for a moment while we both enjoyed this new feeling of sexual intimacy and then Tad began moving his penis in me. It didn’t last all that long. I wasn’t timing it but I don’t think it was more than 15 minuets when he kind of gasped and said “Im going to cum” and I reached down and pulled him deep into me. I didn’t feel anything but I knew he had to be putting his load in me because he certainly wasn’t using a condom. It was beautiful and right for us. I’m on my monthly now so pregnancy wasn’t something that happened for our first time but we are hoping that sometime during summer vacationTad’s little swimmers do their thing and our family is started.

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